Monday, September 5, 2011

Growing up

I have recently realized that I am becoming more and more like my dad as I get older. There's nothing wrong with that my dad's hip to the hop and what not but it's just funny how alike I feel we are. For instance my pops has always been pretty frugal about his money and it would annoy me when I would ask him to get me something and he would act like it hurt him to have to pay for it. Now I realize that everything in this world costs and I now feel his pain. I guess that's just something that you learn when you grow up though. 
Speaking of growing up now when I look back on things that I did and things that I did and took for granted I want to apologize for being young and insensitive. When I was in middle school and thought I was hot shit the place to be was the movies. Everybody would be up there on Friday nights. That was before anyone could drive so our parents or siblings would have to give us rides. Now I realize how inconvenient it was to have to drop us off and then come pick us up. I guess it will come full circle one day because I will probably have to do that. But yeah Its just funny to look back on all the mistakes and everything that has happened in life and think about how many more are waiting to come.



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